Leaving the European Union: monitoring negotiations between the UK and the EU

Leaving the European Union: monitoring negotiations between the UK and the EU

This page brings together areas of governmental scrutiny which helped to inform various inquiries that Senedd committees, usually the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee, undertook.


During scrutiny sessions with both Welsh and UK government ministers, the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee :


  • monitored the progress of the negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union in relation to the UK’s exit from the European Union from a Welsh perspective.
  • identified any areas that were of particular relevance to Wales or which could have impacted upon devolved areas of competence.


General scrutiny focussed on a wide range of areas that included Brexit legislation, trade issues, intergovernmental relations and common frameworks.


Additionally, the Research Service of the Senedd published regular Brexit monitoring reports as the negotiation process unfolded.


Each report provided a summary of the latest developments, including the latest documents and legislation published. It also provided an analysis of the key issues of interest to the External Affairs Committee and a summary of the Welsh Government’s response to those latest developments.

Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 24/07/2017
