NDM6297 - United Kingdom Independence Party debate

NDM6297 - United Kingdom Independence Party debate

NDM6297 David J Rowlands (South Wales East)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Directs the Welsh Government to review its energy generation policies and environmental impact policy.

2. Notes that there is an aim of achieving a zero-carbon economy in Wales.

3. Believes that:

a) communities should have the final say over whether to approve solar farms in their locality;

b) mature woodland should not be cut down to build solar farms; and

c) the method of reducing residential, public sector and business energy usage should be supported by:

i) encouraging the installation of triple glazing in residential and other properties; and

ii) encouraging the installation of fuel-efficient boilers.

Business type: Debate

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 26/04/2017

Decision due: 3 May 2017 by Plenary - Fifth Senedd

Lead member: David J Rowlands MS