Community Safety in Wales

Community Safety in Wales

The Auditor General for Wales undertook a review which considered the effectiveness of community safety in Wales. The review looked at the effectiveness of partnership working, use of resources, planning and improvement activity and covered the Welsh Government, Police and Crime Commissioners and local authorities. The work also drew on the views of citizens on community safety and how effective public bodies are at keeping people in Wales safe.


The Committee considered the findings in the Report, which was published in October 2016, and responded to the Welsh Government’s White Paper on Local Government Reform: ‘Resilient and Renewed'.


The Committee invited views from the Police and Crime Commissioners in Wales which were considered in January 2017 and revisited the issue on publication of the Welsh Government’s Review. Working Together for Safer Communities, published in December 2017, was considered in Committee in January 2018.


The Committee received a series of presentations in November 2018 highlighting the current work being undertaken on this issue.


The Committee has continued to receive regular monitoring reports on the progress being made following the Review and received a final update, in autumn 2020, following the ending of the Programme in June 2020.


Business type: Other

Status: Complete

First published: 18/10/2016
