Governance Arrangements at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Governance Arrangements at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

The previous Committee undertook an inquiry into the governance arrangements at BCUHB and closely monitored the implementation of the recommendations contained within its December 2013 report by receiving regular written and oral updates from the Health Board and the Welsh Government and taking account of further reporting by the Auditor General and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales. This monitoring gave the Committee an opportunity to consider how the Health Board has responded to being placed in special measures by the Minister for Health and Social Services in June 2015. The Welsh Government has since indicated that the period of special measures is likely to last until at least June 2019.

The Committee has accepted a recommendation in the previous Committee’s Legacy Report to continue to monitor the progress Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board makes during the period of special measures including GP Out of Hours services.


Following correspondence received, the Committee agreed to hold evidence sessions in Spring 2019 with the Welsh Government and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to examine the implementation and progress made from the previous Committee’s recommendations including BCUHB’s mental health management following the series of reviews undertaken and also to examine the wider Welsh Government targeted support and intervention.

Business type: Other

Status: Complete

First published: 14/10/2016
