NDM6085 - Plaid Cymru Debate

NDM6085 - Plaid Cymru Debate

NDM6085 Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Calls on the Welsh Government to prioritise:

(a) protecting Wales from the immediate fallout of Brexit; and

(b) closing the prosperity gap between Wales and the rest of the United Kingdom by:

(i) creating a Wales development agency for the 21st century which will sell Wales, our products and ideas to the world in order to grow Welsh businesses and boost our exports;

(ii) establishing a national infrastructure commission for Wales to plan, fund and deliver our nation's transport, telecommunications, energy and green infrastructure; and

(iii) increasing levels of procurement for businesses based in Wales.

Business type: Debate

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 11/10/2016

Decision due: 14 Sep 2016 by Plenary - Fifth Senedd

Lead member: Simon Thomas AM