Intra-Wales - Cardiff to Anglesey - Air Service

Intra-Wales - Cardiff to Anglesey - Air Service

The Fourth Assembly Public Accounts Committee considered the Auditor General’s memorandum on the Intra Wales – Cardiff to Anglesey – Air Service and undertook a short inquiry (PDF 403KB) looking at whether the service provides value for money (July 2014). That Committee published a final report (PDF 353KB) in July 2015.

The previous Committee recommended in its Legacy Report, that its successor Committee seeks an update from the Welsh Government in autumn 2016 on the air service including trends in passenger numbers, the impact of the anticipated temporary closure of Anglesey Airport during 2016 together with the potential opportunities for expanding operations at the airport and the outcome of the procurement of a new long-term partner.

The Public Accounts Committee considered the Welsh Government update in November 2016 and on receipt of the review from the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructures of the North-South airline in February 2018, held an evidence session with the Welsh Government in the summer 2018 term.

Following completion of the tender exercise in 2018, the Committee received details of the successful contractor for this service.

Business type: Other

Status: Complete

First published: 16/08/2016
