P-04-647 Change the Adult Ticket Age from 16 to 18.

P-04-647 Change the Adult Ticket Age from 16 to 18.

People under the age of 18 aren’t considered adult. The price of an adult ticket for Arriva is obscene for people aged 16-17. It costs £2.60 for a one way ticket to Cardiff from two stops away. Normally children aged 16-17 would ask their parents for money for trains, buses etc. so why should we be made to pay a higher amount if we are still dependant on our parents to loan us money? We can’t do other things like drive, drink, vote so why should we pay a higher fare? I’m asking people to sign this petition to higher the age of the adult tickets as the real adult age is 18.

According to the United Nations convention on the rights of a child, this international law requires that the government acts in best interests of the child, which is defined as anyone under the age of 18.


Additional Information

According to the United Nations convention on the rights of a child, this international law requires that the government acts in best interests of the child, which is defined as anyone under the age of 18.


Petition raised by: Harry Jacob Wood

Date petition first considered by Committee:

Number of signatures: 50 Online signatures

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 25/06/2015