P-04-631 Save our service- Large Animal Rescue in North Wales

P-04-631 Save our service- Large Animal Rescue in North Wales

Petition wording


This is a call for action. We the undersigned want the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to intervene to prevent North Wales Fire and Rescue stopping their large animal rescue service. We believe that stopping this service will put animals at risk and have a negative impact on welfare in North Wales. There is also a human risk element as people will put themselves in situations of danger to help rescue animals if there is not a service to help them.

Large animal rescue is a highly specialised service and requires extensive training and equipment which cannot be provided by any other organisation at present. We ask that the decision is reversed and additional funding is given to enable this or other sustainable funding models are put in place. Thank you. 


Additional Information


• More animals will be put down due to being unable to 'rescue' them ( North Wales Fire and Rescue have had sixty calls in two years)

• People will try and be a hero- this decision puts people at risk, no knowledge of physical effect of mental anxiety- the release reaction.

Who will help now?

RSPCA have neither the equipment/ training or manpower. Lots of training such as that done by Hampshire has been lessons learnt from previous rescues. RSPCA don't have that. Man power- 9 officers in North Wales some of which are part time.

 Vets receive no training other than specialist courses- many vets won't have attended

Why Fire service need to be involved:

• Trained- knowledge of stimulation versus restraint/sedation and how animals react to trauma

• Developed national good practice and protocol 2007

• Have roles identified

• Incident command

• Risk assessments

 Hampshire Fire Service are leaders in the field of Large Animal Rescue, they state on website: Large animal rescue is recognised as one of the most dangerous activities a firefighter will be engaged in and so specialised training and equipment is essential

 From a lecture given by one of their staff:

• Lack of knowledge leads to dangerous situations for animal and rescuers

• Horse/large animal rescue variety of challenges brain/history/anxiety/owner

• Large animal should be considered- hazardous material

Cost of this service is around £8,000/£9,000 per year.


Lead petitioner: Sabina Dunkling 

First considered by the Committee:

Number of signatures: 1,394 online signatures

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 05/05/2015
