P-04-627 Improve Commuter Train Services in North Wales

P-04-627 Improve Commuter Train Services in North Wales

Although train fares across North Wales have risen at above the rate of inflation over a number of recent years the service offered to commuters has been reduced.

In particular the service offered at times convenient for most commuters to Bangor - home of one of Wales largest Universities, and also a major hospital (as well as North Wales busiest railway station in terms of passenger numbers!) - have been greatly cut over the last couple of years.

In particular we call for the reintroduction of the Chester - Bangor service which used to arrive at in Bangor at 09.36. (Ironically, whilst this service has been cut on week days, it still runs on a Saturday!).


Lead petitioner: Professor Tom Rippeth


First considered by the Committee: 24 March 2015


Number of signatures: 36 online signatures.

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 23/03/2015