P-04-616 Please Prevent Fireworks From Being Sold to the General Public

P-04-616 Please Prevent Fireworks From Being Sold to the General Public

We want to request a change in legislation so that only licensed events with can organise firework displays and use fireworks. We want to ban the sale of any fireworks to the general public. We want to ban the use of fireworks by the general public. As we all know, since the Millennium, fireworks are no longer a 'once a year' event. Every year fireworks are going off more than a week before November the 5th and generally continue in spits and spats until the New Year celebrations start them off in full swing again. Every year, children and adults are injured by fireworks that have been set off by the general public. The use of fireworks in a domestic setting which has no regulatory control or qualified professional in charge of the fireworks can be, and has proven to be, fatal. On top of this, the poor defenceless animals need to be taken into consideration. According to the RSPCA U.K’s pet figures of 2013, there are around 22 million household pets in the U.K - averaging about 1 in every 2 houses. Any pet owner can understand the terror caused by fireworks being set off at the end of a neighbours garden where there is no control. Fireworks can be brilliant and something to look forward to. As it stands, many people dread and fear a time that was once a much celebrated time of year. Please help us and our pets feel safe again.


Petitioner :  Kathy Peart


First considered by the Committee:


Number of Signatures:: 110

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 06/01/2015