P-04-615 A Fair Student Loan Payment in the Final Year of Training

P-04-615 A Fair Student Loan Payment in the Final Year of Training

Payment for midwifery and health care students in the final year is reduced dramatically as it does not take into account the extra weeks studying or in placement in August.  This loan payment is repaid when in employment but affects the final year by as much as £150 per term. Healthcare is a completely different degree in relation to theory and placement and continues into August when other courses have broken up for summer holidays.

We would like the student loan system to take the third year course content into account and this be reflected in the student loan payments made to midwifery students and healthcare students alike


Petitioner :  Maryanne Bray


First considered by the Committee:


Number of Signatures:: 47

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 06/01/2015
