P-04-604 Regarding the closure of Diabetes Patient Reference Groups and the cancellation of meetings of the Diabetic Planning and Delivery Group in Powys.

P-04-604 Regarding the closure of Diabetes Patient Reference Groups and the cancellation of meetings of the Diabetic Planning and Delivery Group in Powys.

We the undersigned call upon the Minister for Health and Social Services to require Powys LHB to immediately re-establish the Diabetes Planning and Delivery Group and the local Diabetes Patient Reference Groups.

The closure of diabetes Patient Reference Groups in April 2011 and the cancellation of the statutory Diabetes Planning and Delivery Group (DPDG) in June 2013 denies the patient input defined in the 'National Service Framework for Diabetes in Wales'(NSF) and the 'Guidance on Involving Adult NHS Service Users and Carers'.

The closure of the DPDG is in direct contravention of instructions set out in correspondence from the Minister for Health and Social Services to Chairs of all Local Health Boards and from the Chief Executive NHS Wales to the Chief Executives of the Local Health Boards in June 2010.  The correspondence states:-

."Each DPDG should take responsibility for leading, managing and reporting to the LHB Board and to the Chief Executive of NHS on progress with the delivery of the NSF." ......and............."The DPDG will need to ensure effective engagement with service users and is an integral part of the LHB structures underpinning the implementation of the CCM (Chronic Conditions Management) policy agenda." (There are patient representatives on all the Diabetes Planning and Delivery Groups)


Addiional Information

In June 2013 the Welsh Assembly Health and Social Care Committee reported on the outcome of their 'Inquiry into the implementation of the National Service Framework in Wales and its future direction'. They concluded at Recommendation 5:-    

"We recommend that the forthcoming diabetes delivery plan should ensure that local Diabetes Planning and Delivery Groups' relationships with health boards are formalised. Health Boards should demonstrate how they take account of DPDG recommendations and fully engage with their work.  Arrangements should be put in place to adopt a national approach for DPDG's, to include national terms of reference for their operation and a requirement to meet with each other to share best practice."

In October 2013 -  'Together for Health - A Diabetes Delivery Plan'  was launched by the Welsh Government.  At Chapter 10. "LOCAL PLANS - LOCAL ACTION" it states:-

........"LHB's need to achieve full compliance with the Diabetes NSF, and this Diabetes Delivery Delivery Plan.  LHBs will support their Diabetes Planning and Delivery Groups (DPDG) to review, update and publish detailed local diabetes delivery plans. The LHBs will support and enable the DPDGs to deliver the Diabetes plan, report progress, publish six monthly updates on their websites and contribute to the annual all Wales report to be published by the Welsh Government."

Simply stated there is now no possibility of diabetes patients in Powys to input or obtain basic information about service planning or delivery.  We have been disenfranchised and denied the stated aim of the Welsh Assembly Government:-

....."to ensure that people who use NHS services........are genuinely and constructively involved in all aspects of the service."."


Petitioner :  Robert V Wright


First considered by the Committee:


Number of Signatures:  40 electronic signatures


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 21/10/2014