Official Languages Scheme - Fourth Assembly

Official Languages Scheme - Fourth Assembly

English and Welsh are official languages of the Assembly, and the Assembly Commission gives strong and ambitious leadership through its delivery of bilingual services. The Assembly aims to be a truly bilingual institution. The Official Languages Scheme sets out what the Assembly currently delivers bilingually as well as setting out the services it aims to deliver. The Scheme was formally adopted by the Assembly in July 2013 and it is based on the National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Act 2012.


These are the main priorities of the Scheme:

  • to provide innovative, tailored support to enable people to use both languages in the context of Assembly business;
  • make the most of technology as a way of transforming bilingual provision;
  • develop the Welsh-language skills and confidence of Assembly staff;
  • share our experience of delivering bilingual Services with other organisations in Wales and beyond.

Business type:

First published: 17/07/2015
