P-04-509 Save the Welsh National Tennis Centre

P-04-509 Save the Welsh National Tennis Centre

Virgin Active Cardiff announced the closure of The Welsh National Tennis centre as of 23rd Aug 2013. The centre has 6 indoor courts and 7 clay, outdoor courts. The facility provides the only public indoor courts in Cardiff. The courts are used by people from all walks of life and ages, inter generational 3 to 83. All levels of playing ability including wheelchair users and those with learning difficulties, from beginner to national standard. It is a centre for promoting tennis excellence and delivers performance coaching for children and young adults. Major tennis ranking tournaments are played at this venue. Closure of this facility is a major blow to tennis in the community and the principality.


We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to protect the centre and do all in its powers to secure the Welsh National Tennis Centre as a tennis playing facility.


Petition raised by:  Save The Welsh National Tennis Centre


Date petition first considered by Committee: 8 October 2013


Number of signatures: 496


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 02/10/2013