P-04-425: Team Wales

P-04-425: Team Wales

Petition wording:


We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to seek an agreement with the International Olympic Committee to amend the Olympic Charter to recognise the devolved administrations of Great Britain in their own right, in order that the Welsh Government could form a National Olympic Committee and our athletes can compete as Team Wales / Cymru in the future.

We have a rich abundance of talent in Wales considering our size, wouldn’t it be great to see OUR Athletes on the podium with their Gold Medal with the Welsh National Anthem being blasted out to the World with the National Flag of Wales (RED DRAGON) being flown in the background.  As it stands now they have to listen to an Anthem that’s more associated with England and a Flag that does not incorporate our own Flag only the flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  So let’s get ourselves a team in place ready to compete at the next Olympics in RIO in 2016.

Petition raised by:  Russell Gwilym Morris

Date petition first considered by Committee:  2 October 2012

Number of signatures:  208



Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;