
Forward Work Programme - Environment and Sustainability Committee

This page shows the decisions made by any committees looking at the matter. This might include agreeing the Terms of Reference for the inquiry or deciding to hold a public consultation on the matter.

07/07/2011 - Environment and Sustainability Committee - Discussion of issues within the portfolio and proposals for the Forward Work Programme

3.1 The Research Service introduced paper 2 on key areas within the Committee’s remit.


3.2 The Committee agreed to hold an inquiry into Energy and that the Research Service would provide a scoping paper and draft terms of reference for the next meeting.


3.3 The Committee agreed to invite the First Minister and the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development to a meeting early in the autumn term.


3.4 The Committee requested that a timeline of known issues for the term should be provided by the Committee’s officials.


3.5 The Committee agreed that it hold a formal meeting on Tuesday 19 July at the Royal Welsh Show to hold a scrutiny session with the Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and European Programmes.