Consultation display

Inquiry into proposed reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy

Purpose of the consultation

The Environment and Sustainability Committee established a task and finish group to undertake an inquiry into the proposed reforms to the Common Agriculture Policy. The terms of reference for the review were:


  • to assess the potential impact of the European Commission’s proposals for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on Wales, including its implications for relevant Welsh Government policies;
  • to consider what outcomes would be most beneficial to Wales;
  • to make recommendations to the Welsh Government on what it should prioritise in its negotiations on the reform process;
  • to act as a forum for stakeholders in Wales to engage with the debate on the future of the policy;
  • to influence the wider debate on CAP Reform, the Task and Finish Group will seek to share its conclusions with UK parliamentary bodies, the European Commission and the European Parliament and with other relevant European bodies such as the Committee of the Regions.


The group considered:


  • what the European Commission’s proposals could mean for Wales?
  • what should the Welsh Government’s priorities be in its negotiations on CAP Reform to ensure a beneficial outcome for Wales?
  • how can Wales ensure that its views inform the negotiation process?

Supporting documents

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

Alun Davidson