Consultation display

Inquiry into second homes

Response to the consultation

Evidence submitted in response to this Consultation

Purpose of the consultation

Terms of reference

The Committee’s terms of reference for its inquiry are:

  • To examine the recommendations made by Dr Simon Brooks in his report, Second homes: developing new policies in Wales, and the Welsh Government’s response to those proposals.
  • To consider the policy objectives and evaluate the evidence base for policy change in this area and to identify any gaps in knowledge and data.


Invitation to contribute to the consultation

The Committee would like to invite you to submit written evidence to assist in its consideration of the inquiry. It would be helpful if you could use the above terms of reference to frame your response.


Submitting evidence

If you wish to respond to the Committee’s consultation, email an electronic copy of your submission to:


The Senedd has two official languages, Welsh and English. In line with the Senedd’s Official Languages Scheme, the Committee requests that documents or written responses to consultations intended for publication or use in Senedd proceedings are submitted bilingually. When documents or written responses are not submitted bilingually, we will publish in the language submitted, stating that it has been received in that language only.


We expect other organisations to implement their own standards or schemes and to comply with their statutory obligation.


Please see the guidance for those providing evidence for committees and the Privacy Notice that relates to contributing to the work of Senedd committees.


How we use your information

We will usually publish correspondence or written evidence on our website. If you have responded in a personal capacity, your name will be published along with your contribution, unless you have asked for your contribution to be anonymised. If you have responded in a professional capacity, the published version of your response will include your name, your job title/role, if relevant, and the name of your organisation.


Before accepting contributions from individuals under 13 years old, we require authorisation from the young person’s parent or guardian. This may be provided in the form of an email from the young person’s parent or guardian. We will not publish the names of individuals under 18 years old alongside their contributions.


Submissions should arrive by Friday 14 January 2022. It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.


Disclosure of information

Please ensure that you have considered the Senedd’s policy on disclosure of information before submitting information to the Committee.

Supporting documents