Consultation display

Culture and the new relationship with the EU

Response to the consultation

Evidence submitted in response to this Consultation

Purpose of the consultation

Information on the inquiry is also available in Microsoft Word format.


The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee is conducting an inquiry into culture and the UK-EU relationship.


Terms of reference

The Committee is considering the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU on the culture sector and is seeking your views on issues such as:


>>>the impact of the new relationship on artists and creative workers touring and working cross-border (including touring and working in Wales);

>>>the impact of new trading arrangements relating to cultural activity;

>>>the availability of guidance and support for the sector relating to the new relationship between the UK and EU;

>>>the impact on access to funding programmes and networks; and

>>>any changes to the UK-EU relationship that might improve cross-border working for the culture sector.



Please share with us your views and information on any other matters you think relevant to our inquiry. A template to guide your response is also available to download as a Microsoft Word document.


Follow: #SeneddCultureEU


How to share your views

Most people choose to share their views with us in writing. The quickest way to do this is by email to Our postal address is:


Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee,
Welsh Parliament,
Cardiff Bay,
CF99 1SN


For those who cannot share their views with us in writing, we can also accept other types of evidence, such as a video or voice recordings. If you need information in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille, please contact us.


We want to treat people fairly and make sure that everyone can have their say. If this is not happening, we want to hear how we can change this. Please share with us any details about your personal circumstances or needs that are making it difficult for you to take part and about what we could do differently so that you can be involved.


You can call our support staff on 0300 200 6565 or contact us via our twitter account @SeneddCultureIR.


Evidence gathering

We will be collecting information over the summer and into the autumn. The deadline for providing information to us is Friday, 27 October 2023. All the information will be used to help us check and challenge the Welsh Government about its work in this area. Your information will also help us to think about what changes we want to see happen.


As a Committee we cannot get involved with individual cases, but your views and experiences can help shape changes across Wales.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Providing Written Evidence

Along with your submission, you should provide the following information:


>>>Your name and contact details as the person, or organisation, submitting the evidence.

>>>Whether your evidence is submitted as an individual, or on behalf of an organisation.

>>>If you are submitting evidence as an individual and confirmation that you are over 18 years old.

>>>If you are under 13 years old, your parent or guardian’s agreement that you can participate (this can be provided via email).

>>>Please let us know if you would prefer that your name is not published (names of individuals under 18 years old will not be published).

>>>Please let us know if you want your submission to be treated as confidential, and why you want to keep it confidential .

>>>If you have referred to a third party in your evidence, confirmation that they have agreed that you can share information that may be used to identify them and that they understand that it will be published.



Please see guidance for those providing evidence for committees.


The Senedd has two official languages, Welsh and English.


In line with the Senedd’s Official Languages Scheme, the Committee welcomes contributions in both or either of our official languages, and we ask organisations that are subject to Welsh Language standards or schemes to respond in line with their own obligations. Please inform the Committee when submitting responses if you intend to provide a translation at a later date.


Disclosure of information

Please ensure that you have considered the Senedd’s policy on disclosure of information before submitting information to the Committee.


It is normal practice for the Welsh Parliament to publish evidence provided to a committee on its website, so that this evidence becomes part of the public record.

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee
Welsh Parliament
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1SN

Telephone: 0300 200 6565