Consultation display

Participation in sport in disadvantaged areas

Purpose of the consultation

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee conducted an inquiry into participation in sport in disadvantaged areas. It considered issues affecting people in areas shown to be relatively deprived according to the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation, including the following:


  • What are the main barriers to participation in sport in disadvantaged areas? How do these intersect with other factors including:
    • Age,
    • Sex and gender,
    • Socioeconomic status,
    • Geography,
    • Disability,
    • Ethnicity?
  • How clear a picture do we have of current participation levels in disadvantaged areas? Does the current data enable policy interventions to be effective?
  • How should public funding be used to increase participation in disadvantaged areas?
  • How effective are current interventions at increasing participation in disadvantaged areas?
  • Has the pandemic caused any persistent changes to participation levels in disadvantaged areas?
  • How effectively do different sectors (e.g. education and health) collaborate to improve participation in sport in disadvantaged areas?
  • Are there examples of best practice, both within Wales and internationally, that Wales should learn from to increase participation in sport in disadvantaged areas?


Supporting documents

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee
Welsh Parliament
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1SN

Telephone: 0300 200 6565