Consultation display

Priorities for the Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee

Response to the consultation

Evidence submitted in response to this Consultation

Purpose of the consultation

Purpose of the consultation

In Autumn 2021, the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee (‘the Committee’) set its Priorities for the Sixth Senedd (2021-26). The Committee’s three strategic priorities are: Climate Change; Sustainable Communities; and Protecting and enhancing the natural environment.


Against each priority, the Committee set an indicative timeline for work. While the Committee has completed much of the work it set out to do to date, certain work has been put back either to accommodate scrutiny of Senedd Bills or due to circumstances outside of the Committee’s control.


Why is the Committee reviewing its priorities?

As we enter the third year of the Sixth Senedd, the Committee is keen to review its priorities to ensure they remain relevant.


To help inform its review, the Committee is seeking views on:


>>>    its three strategic priorities: Climate Change; Sustainable Communities: and Protecting and enhancing the natural environment; and

>>>    its detailed priorities/outline programme of work for Years 3 to 5 of the Sixth Senedd (set out in its report, Priorities for the Sixth Senedd.



In particular, the Committee is keen to hear views on  whether the above are still relevant, reflecting on social, economic and environmental developments since the priorities were set at the start of the Sixth Senedd.


The Committee would also welcome views on any other matters related to its priorities/work programme/ways of working that you consider relevant to its review.


Submitting your views

The Committee would like to invite you to submit written evidence to assist in reviewing its priorities.

We would like you to submit your views by completing this online form.


A downloadable template is available for you to draft your response before submitting it, if you wish. However, please do not submit your response on that template via email. All responses should be submitted via the online form.


The closing date for submission to this consultation is 15 September 2023.


Next steps

The written evidence received will help inform the Committee’s future decisions on its priorities and programme of work.


The Committee will aim to publish a report on its findings by the end of Autumn term 2023.

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee
Welsh Parliament
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1SN

Telephone: 0300 200 6565