Calendar Event

EVENT: Cwmpas/Google Sustainable Futures

Date: Wednesday 17 January 2024

Time: 09.30 - 16.30

Location: Pierhead

Description: We want to support businesses in Wales to be more sustainable; both in their operational longevity and in their application to support the net-zero agenda. By having such an open title, the participants can decide which element of ‘sustainability’ they would like to explore. For example, small businesses and third-sector groups may wish to use the event to explore how to make their enterprises more sustainable in terms of being more efficient and cost-effective, while larger corporations may want to use the event to ascertain ways to deliver their CSR, WFG Act or community benefit goals with the most impact.

Open to the public: Attendance at the event is by invitation only however the Senedd and the Pierhead will remain accessible to the public during our normal opening hours.

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