Calendar Event

EVENT: Equal Power Equal Voice Mentoring

Date: Wednesday 15 June 2022

Time: 09.30 - 17.00

Location: Pierhead

Description: The equal power equal voice public life mentoring programme is a scheme funded by Welsh Government and the national lottery that aims to improve the participation of underrepresented groups in public life (BAME, Disabled people, LGBTQI+, and Women). The Scheme is an intersectional partnership between Disability Wales, EYST, Stonewall Cymru, and WEN Wales. The aim of this speed networking event is to build connections between Senedd members and programme participants who aim to enter Welsh public life. The event will allow our mentees to learn from Senedd members, while also feeding back to members the barriers and experiences of people from these diverse backgrounds when entering public life.

Open to the public: Attendance at the event is by invitation only however the Senedd and the Pierhead will remain accessible to the public during our normal opening hours.

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