Calendar Event

EVENT: Innovation Nation Reception and Launch

Date: Wednesday 29 March 2017

Time: 18.00 - 19.00

Location: Senedd

Description: The reception will publicise a new report form HEFCW, Innovation Nation, which will present a series of case studies highlighting the range of current collaborations between universities and businesses important to the economy of Wales. The event will be open to AMs, to university leaders and innovation practitioners, to representatives from private business and public enterprises. We will provide opportunity to hear from partners in collaborative projects. We have invited the Cabinet Secretary for Education and the Minister for Science and Skills to say a few words at the start of the reception. The speakers’ slot will take around 20 minutes, followed by opportunity for delegates to catch up with established contacts, make new links and find out in more detail about university/industry partnerships (for the remaining 40 minutes over some refreshments). The event and the publication will be of interest to AMs and officials who will have a role in formulating strategies around universities, industry, the economy and skills.

Open to the public: The event will take place outside our normal opening hours therefore attendance will be by invitation only

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