Agenda item

Senedd Reform - Corporate update - oral item


Oral update


6.1 The Chair welcomed Siwan Davies, Anna Daniel and Alun Davidson to the meeting and invited Siwan to introduce the item. 


6.2 Siwan provided reassurance to the Committee that the Senedd Reform Programme was on track and she provided updates on the workstreams around finance, Senedd business and the Independent Remuneration Board.


6.3 Since the November ARAC meeting, the cost estimates, which had been based on a set of common assumptions, had been completed and were due to be presented to the Commission at its meeting on 23 March. If approved, these would then be shared with the Welsh Government for inclusion in the Regulatory Impact Assessment to accompany the Bill. The costs would also be reflected in the Medium-Term Financial plan.


6.4 In relation to preparations for business in the Seventh Senedd, a workshop had been held to map interdependencies and stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities. A joint working arrangement had been agreed between the Commission and the Independent Remuneration Board, and work was underway on the details of how this would work in practice, given the Board’s independent status.


6.5 In terms of governance, reviews of the Senedd Reform corporate and programme risks, and the mapping of stakeholder responsibilities were ongoing. The outcome of a fundamental review of the corporate risk, which would include linking with the Ways of Working Programme, would be presented to Executive Board in April. The Senedd Reform Programme Board would also consider the programme risk register at its next meeting. An accountability matrix, namely Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform (RACI) would be adopted to outline the demarcations between the Senedd Commission, the Welsh Government and the Independent Remuneration Board. 


6.6 The Committee was interested in a detailed timeline to aid its understanding of the points at which the Commission would be making financial commitments, as well as the legislative elements of the programme. 

Siwan explained that engagement and the scrutiny of Welsh Government proposed legislation was Senedd core business and would take place when the model of reform had been agreed by the Senedd. The format of the engagement activity had not yet been agreed, although early discussions had been held with the Electoral Commission around the messaging. The level of reform could be fundamental and public education would be vital. Scrutiny of the legislation would commence in the Autumn term and budget had been allocated to the programme in the current and next financial year. Work was already underway to prepare the Siambr for additional Members and this would be clearly indicated as spend relating to Senedd Reform. 


6.7 The Committee recognised that levels of public engagement would increase when the financial elements of reform were being reported on and that the relationship between Members and the electorate would change significantly. Ken urged officials to maintain maximum openness and transparency in their estimates relating to the reform programme, especially as the Finance Committee would be undertaking a review of this spend.


6.8 The Independent Remuneration Board had offered interviews with sitting Members of the Senedd to determine their views on ‘regional hubs’ and/or the possibility of Members sharing offices, if that was identified as the preferred model.


6.9 When challenged on the robustness of the estimates and how the costs would be kept under review as the legislation would inevitably change, Siwan conveyed her confidence in the figures as they were aligned with current financial processes and part of the Commission mid-term financial planning. A process for initial analysis would assist the Welsh Government to update costs as the Bill progressed through the scrutiny process. Siwan also outlined plans to minimise costs and make best use of existing parliamentary knowledge and expertise, by redeploying staff to focus on activity across the various workstreams.


6.10 The Committee was impressed with the progress of plans for such a major transformational change programme, especially whilst continuing with business as usual activity and welcomed these regular updates.