Agenda item

Critical examination of one identified or emerging risk - Adherence in 6th Senedd to changes to Members' regulatory framework

Oral item around CRR update



Oral update

11.1    The Chair invited Siwan to introduce this item, and welcomed Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission and Members’ Support, Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation Service and Meriel Singleton, Clerk to the Standards of Conduct Committee and lead on the work relating to the regulatory framework, to the meeting. 

11.2    Siwan referred to the detailed update included in the Corporate Risk Register and outlined the key elements of the regulatory framework as they applied to Members of the Senedd (Members) as follows:

-       the new Code of Conduct which had been applied since the start of the Sixth Senedd and the ongoing review of complaints procedures relating to this code;

-       the Independent Remuneration Board’s Determination on Members’ Pay and Allowances which came into force at the start of the Sixth Senedd;

-       the Accounting Officer’s rules which would shortly be subject of a consultation; and

-       the Members’ Dignity and Respect policy.

11.3    Siwan described the co-ordinated approach being established for these regulatory matters relating to Members, involving relevant officials from across the Commission. She also described the routes for engaging with relevant groups such as Chiefs of Staff and the new Senedd Political Contact Group which has been established for the Llywydd and Chief Executive to engage with Members.

11.4    In response to questions from the Committee about its role in relation to the regulatory framework, and that of the Remuneration, Engagement and Workforce Advisory Committee, Siwan described how the Commission would consult and engage with each committee as appropriate.

11.5    When asked for his perspective on the approach to managing this risk, Ken Skates recognised the challenges around engagement with Members and suggested that short briefing sessions with Party groups might be the most effective way to engage.

11.6    The Committee welcomed the establishment of this coordinated approach and recognised the challenges of making a complex framework comprehensible to ensure Members and all office holders understood their responsibilities. The Chair thanked officials for sharing the briefing issued to the Political Contact Group which clearly set out responsibilities of the bodies involved in the regulatory framework.

11.7    The Committee discussed ways in which presentation of the elements of the framework might be simplified and communicated effectively. Ann Beynon suggested a flowchart on how the elements of the framework fit together might be helpful, particularly for new Members which Siwan agreed to consider.

11.8    Siwan added that the aim of this co-ordinated approach was to help Members understand the rules as they applied to them and to clarify routes for them to seek further advice. In response to questions about timescales, Siwan confirmed that there were a number of discrete tasks to be taken forward in relation to each element of the framework and that the approach would be used as a vehicle going forward to facilitate and co-ordinate any future changes and also to ensure officials were consulting with appropriate groups.

11.9    In response to questions about any overlap in areas of responsibility for the bodies involved, Siwan assured the Committee that the responsibilities of bodies such as the Commission, the Remuneration Board, the Accounting Officer and Standards Commissioner would be mapped out to ensure that it was as clear as possible.

11.10    The Committee thanked Siwan and her team for a clear and concise update. They also commented on the value of their co-ordinated approach and welcomed Ken’s perspective on this risk. Siwan agreed to consider when it would be appropriate to engage with the Committee going forward.

11.11    Manon stressed the importance of this work and the need for clarity in order to mitigate against exposure to risks around understanding and adherence to codes, rules and policies. The Chair agreed this was a sensible approach.