Agenda item

Chair's Introduction


1.1         The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.2         The Board agreed the minutes of the 4 March meeting subject to a revision of the category description of Board members in the attendance grid; and correction of a grammatical error in paragraph 2.4.

1.3         The Chair confirmed that Ronnie Alexander had tendered his resignation as a Board member, after four years, in order to take up a another appointment. The Chair led the best wishes expressed to Ronnie for his sterling work on the Board and his presence will very much be missed. Other Board members echoed these sentiments. They also wished to place on record their admiration of his attention to detail and their appreciation for the support he has given to fellow Board members, especially over the last year. Ronnie thanked the Board for their kind words and added that he was grateful for the support provided by Commission officials and other Board members over the last four years. He wished the Board well for the future.

1.4         The secretariat provided an update on the process for filling the vacancy caused by Ronnie’s resignation. The Board noted that the appointment of a Board member is made by the Clerk and Chief Executive and will need to be approved by the Senedd Commission.

1.5         The Board considered an update on support provided to Members in relation to Covid-19. The Board agreed that it was too early in the new Senedd term to evaluate the provisions currently in place. The Board agreed to review these provisions at a future meeting In the meantime they would continue in the same form.

1.6         The Board discussed its approach to engaging with Members and support staff and agreed to look at restoring drop-in sessions with Members; continuing with Representative group meetings; and arranging a programme of regular meetings with Members’ offices, whether virtually or in person. The Board acknowledged the benefits of physical meetings especially with staff outside Cardiff.

1.7         The Board considered some administration arrangements for Board meetings and agreed, in order to aid transparency of its work to stakeholders, to publish a forward work programme on its website. This will be updated on a regular basis to coincide with the cycle of Board meetings.

1.8         The Board noted an update on the new Umbraco website and agreed to review final proofs with a view to the new website going live as soon as possible.

1.9         The Board noted an update on the use and uptake of security devices for Members at the start of the Sixth Senedd. It agreed to revisit this with Senedd security in six-months’ time. This will form part of the annual review of the Determination.

1.10       The Board agreed its forward work programme up until January 2022.


Actions: The secretariat to:

-       Amend and arrange publication of the March minutes;

-       Provide the Board with an update on the recruitment of a new Board member;

-       Provide information for the Board to review the provisions available Members and offices, in relation to Covid-19;

-       Arrange a programme of visits with Members and their offices;

-       Arrange a drop in session with Members;

-       Provide the Board with final versions of new website and arrange publication;

-       Include further consideration of security devices for Members and the progress made by Senedd security as part of the annual review of the Determination;

-       Provide the Board with a public facing forward work programme for publication.