Agenda item

Latest Internal Audit Reports


ACARAC (27) Paper 6 - Review of the appointment of Expert Advisers to Committees

4.1        The Committee welcomed this report and the robust recommendations to strengthen the process, which they hoped to see implemented so that expert advisors are used more widely and effectively in the future.  As part of this, they suggested that officials should examine the need for training for Committee Chairs or Clerks and Deputy Clerks in the use of expert advisors.  They reflected on the potential conflicts of interest but recognised the small pool of experts available to some Committees.  The evaluation of the effectiveness of advisers was also encouraged.  Members noted that the Commission should consider the NAO Report from November 2014 and take account of this and any additional guidance the Wales Audit Office may provide on managing conflicts in the future.


-        Appointment of Expert Advisors to Committees – ensure the agreed recommendations are implemented and that there are no obstacles to using expert advisors in the future.

-        Examine the need for, and if appropriate make available, training for Committee Chairs or Clerks and Deputy Clerks in the use of Expert Advisors.

ACARAC (27) Paper 7 – Value for Money report

4.2        Gareth was pleased to report that there was a strong Value for Money (VfM) culture across the organisation, although efficiencies could be more widely captured. 

4.3        The Committee queried whether recruitment delays should be reflected as VfM savings.  Claire confirmed that delays in appointing staff were sometimes inevitable and that recruitment had sometimes been purposely delayed in order to deliver savings.

4.4        Nicola’s team had discussed savings with Heads of Service across the organisation and VfM savings would be captured in the Annual Accounts.   

4.5        The Chair welcomed the inclusion of this information in the accounts and encouraged officials to concentrate on capturing efficiency/process streamlining and procurement savings. 

ACARAC (27) Paper 8 - Review of the Assembly Commission’s Project Management Arrangements (also item 12)

4.6        Gareth’s audit confirmed that there were no surprises in this area.  Many of the historical issues that had been identified would continue to be addressed.  Business cases could be sharper, as could post implementation reviews and benefits realisation analysis.        

4.7        Dave informed the Committee of the increased involvement of Business Analysts in projects and the on-going work on benefits management.  He highlighted the culture already embedded in some areas of the Assembly where formal project management processes were in place. 

4.8        Committee Members urged officials to ensure that there was a sufficient focus on delivery, that clear objectives were set and that post project reviews captured and shared lessons learned. 

4.9        The Chair welcomed both papers, was satisfied with progress to date and noted that the papers were complementary.