Llywydd’s Committee - Fifth Senedd

This page lists the meetings for: Llywydd’s Committee - Fifth Senedd


Information about Llywydd’s Committee - Fifth Senedd

<OpeningPara>The next Senedd election is scheduled for 6 May. In recognition of the need to ensure a level playing field for all candidates during the election period, all committee activity will cease with effect from 7 April (except very limited activity in relation to urgent subordinate legislation or the provisions of Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Act 2021). New committees are expected to be established before Summer 2021.</OpeningPara>



<news>The next Senedd election is scheduled for 6 May. In recognition of the need to ensure a level playing field for all candidates during the election period, all committee activity will cease with effect from 7 April (except very limited activity in relation to urgent subordinate legislation or the provisions of Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Act 2021). New committees are expected to be established before summer 2021 – information will be published on this website.</news><link> https://senedd.wales/senedd-business/committees/</link>




>>>View meeting transcripts 2017<link>http://record.senedd.wales/Search/?type=2&meetingtype=555</link>



Work Completed by the Committee

Reports produced by the Llywydd’s Committee can be accessed below:


>>>March 2021 – Annual report 2020-21 on the exercise of the Llywydd’s Committee’s functions (PDF, 122kb)<link>https://senedd.wales/media/c0hnr5nb/cr-ld14306-e.pdf</link>

>>>November 2020 – Scrutiny of the Electoral Commission’s financial estimates 2021-22 and five year plan 2020-21 and 2024-25 (PDF, 919kb)<link>https://senedd.wales/media/sjfbslge/cr-ld13834-e.pdf</link>




The Committee was established to scrutinise financial estimates and plans submitted by the Electoral Commission in discharging their functions relating to devolved Welsh elections and devolved Welsh referendums.


Every year, the Electoral Commission must submit to the committee an estimate of income and expenditure relating to devolved Welsh elections and referendums no later than six months before the financial year to which they relate.


Section 28 of the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020 sets out that, in Wales, the scrutiny of the Electoral Commission will be carried out by a committee of the Senedd. This committee will be called the Llywydd’s Committee.


As well as estimates of income and expenditure, the Electoral Commission must periodically submit to the committee a plan that sets out its aims, objectives and estimated budget for its functions relating to devolved Welsh elections and devolved Welsh referendums in the ensuing five-year period.


Following its scrutiny of the Electoral Commission’s estimates and plans, the Committee must lay those estimates and plans before the Senedd, either as received from the Electoral Commission or with modifications.