Reform Bill Committee

This page lists the meetings for: Reform Bill Committee


Information about Reform Bill Committee

<OpeningPara>About the Committee</OpeningPara>

<OpeningPara>Established on 12 July 2023, the Reform Bill Committee comprises four members from different political groups represented in the Senedd. The chair of the Committee is David Rees MS.</OpeningPara>

<OpeningPara>In accordance with Standing Order 17.49, the Chair has agreed that Jane Dodds MS (Welsh Liberal Democrats) may participate in Committee meetings and related activities, although she cannot cast votes.</OpeningPara>


<OpeningPara>The Committee’s role is to consider Bills referred to it by the Senedd’s Business Committee.</OpeningPara>

<OpeningPara>It is currently considering the general principles of the Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill, which was formally introduced to the Welsh Parliament on 11 March 2024.</OpeningPara>

<OpeningPara>The first Bill it considered was the Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Bill, which was formally introduced to the Welsh Parliament on 18 September 2023 as part of Senedd Reform. The Committee published its report on 19 January 2024.</OpeningPara>


<OpeningPara>For additional details about the Committee, its members, and the progress of its work please refer to this page.</OpeningPara>



<news>Responses to the Committee’s consultation on the Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill have been published.</news><link>mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?id=549&RPID=1044166188&cp=yes</link>



Current Work

<inquiry>The Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill</inquiry><link>mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=42338</link>