Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee - Fifth Senedd

This page lists the meetings for: Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee - Fifth Senedd

Information about Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee - Fifth Senedd

<OpeningPara>Following the Senedd election on 6 May 2021, new committees are expected to be established before summer 2021 – information will be published on this website.</OpeningPara>




>>>View meeting transcripts after 1 November 2017<link>http://record.senedd.wales/Search/?type=2&meetingtype=434</link>

>>>View meeting transcripts prior to 31 October 2017<link>mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=15034</link>



Work Completed by the Committee








The committee was established on 15 June 2016 to carry out the functions of the responsible committee set out in Standing Order 21 (excluding Standing Orders 21.8 to 21.11*) and to consider any other matter relating to legislation, justice and the constitution** within or relating to the competence of the Senedd or the Welsh Ministers, including the quality of legislation.


The name of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee was changed to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee on 29 January 2020 following a motion agreed in the Senedd. See also the report of the Business Committee, amending the title of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, January 2020.


Any reference on the Senedd’s webpages, Senedd TV or in meeting transcripts to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee before 29 January 2020 should be read as a reference to the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee.


The Committee’s remit was amended following resolutions in Plenary on 14 September 2016* and 29 January 2020**.