Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Senedd. View directions

Contact: Fay Bowen 

Expected timing No. Item



Introduction, apologies, substitutions


Co-Chair Tom Giffard MS welcomed the Members to the meeting.


Apologies were received from Joyce Watson MS.


In accordance with Standing Order 17.22 and Temporary Standing Order 35.9, Jack Sargeant MS was elected as Temporary Co-Chair for the duration of the meeting.



Legal Briefing

Supporting documents:


The Members received a legal briefing from representatives of the Senedd Commissions Legal Service.



Research Briefing

Supporting documents:


The Members received a research briefing from a representative of the Senedd Commissions Research Service.



Discussion and Next Steps


The Members discussed options of next steps it could take, agreeing to continue to monitor the work of the UK Covid Public Inquiry in the interim and seek to engage with expert advisors to support the Committee in its work. The Committee also discussed its approach to wider engagement for the duration of its work and will communicate these plans publicly once an approach has been agreed and finalised.