
Venue: External Location. View directions

Contact: Robert Donovan 

Expected timing No. Item

Committee visit to Anglesey

The Committee agreed to visit Anglesey to explore the development of the Border Control Post (BCP) in Holyhead as well as visiting the port itself and hosting discussions on the Anglesey Freeport and the wider economy of the Island.


The visit had three key aims:

  • To explore the issue of trade and the border post Brexit including the development of the BCP and the impact of Brexit and the Winsor Framework on Holyhead Port;
  • To explore the development of Anglesey Freeport including any potential economic benefits and disbenefits; and
  • To explore the wider economy of the Island including challenges and opportunities as well as hearing about the response to the 2 Sisters plant closure.


The visit consisted of four elements – visiting the BCP site at Parc Cybi where they had a tour of the site and met with officials involved in its development. Members then moved onto the port itself where they discussed traffic and trade with Stena – the port operator. Lastly, the Committee went to Anglesey Business Centre where they held two informal meetings with key local stakeholders including Anglesey Council and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board to discuss the freeport and the wider islands economy.



Parc Cybi, Border Control Post



Holyhead Port



Anglesey Business Centre, Llangefni