
Venue: External Location. View directions

Contact: Robert Donovan 

Expected timing No. Item

Garthbrengy and Glasbury Farm Visits (10.20-13.30)

The Committee agreed to visit two farms on 22 September ahead of work on the forthcoming Agriculture (Wales) Bill.


Members are visiting an upland and a lowland farm – located in Garthbrengy, Brecon and Glasbury, Powys. Members agreed upon this visit in order to speak to farmers and explore the effect of the proposed Agriculture (Wales) Bill and Sustainable Farming Scheme. Officials from the unions of which the farmers are members – NFU Cymru and FUW – will also be present.


This visit follows the Committee’s visit to Esgairllaethdy farm in Carmarthenshire on 30 June.



Talwen Fawr Farm - Garthbrengy



Maesllwch Home Farm - Glasbury