Agenda and minutes

Venue: Video Conference via Zoom

Contact: Aled Elwyn Jones 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


The Llywydd welcomed the Members to the meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for publication.


Organisation of Business


This week's business


This Week’s Business


The Trefnydd drew Business Managers’ attention to the addition of the following statements:


Tuesday 15 June 2021


·         Statement by the First Minister: The Programme for Government (60 mins)

Wednesday 16 June 2021


·         Statement by the Deputy Minister for Climate Change: Climate Change (45 mins)




·         Voting Time will take place as the last item of business.

·         Plenary is unlikely to run past 6.50pm.



·         Voting Time will take place as the last item of business.

·         Plenary is unlikely to run past 5.45pm. 


Business Committee agreed to start Wednesday’s Plenary at 12.30 and to postpone Jack Sargeant’s Short Debate to next Wednesday.



Three week timetable of Government Business


The Trefnydd drew Business Managers’ attention to the following changes:


Tuesday 22 June 2021


·         Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Eradicating racism and building an anti-racist Wales (45 mins)


Tuesday 29 June 2021


·         Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality in Wales (45 mins)




Three week timetable of Senedd Business


Business Committee agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Wednesday 7 July 2021 –


·         Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv) (60 mins)

·         Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)



Member Debates: Selection of Motion for Debate


Business Committee agreed to schedule the following motion for debate on 23 June:

NNDM7704 Huw Irranca-Davies (Ogmore)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the Bus Service Agreement of March 2021 commits £37.2 million of funding to continue to support the bus industry in the coming financial year.

2. Notes that the agreement commits to a fundamental reshaping of local bus services, better meeting the needs of passengers.

3. Notes that the agreement also seeks to rebuild patronage post-covid, encouraging increasing numbers to use public transport over time for a wide range of journeys, as conditions permit.

4. Further notes the publication of Llwybr Newydd: The Wales Transport Strategy 2021, which contains a range of commitments including:

a) extending the reach of bus services;
b) progressing new bus legislation to give the public sector more control over local bus services;
c) delivering innovative, more flexible bus services, in partnership with local authorities, the commercial and third sectors; and
d) ensuring that bus services and facilities are accessible, attractive and safe for everyone.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to set out detailed plans and timescales for delivering the commitments on bus services in Llwybr Newydd.

6. Calls on the Welsh Government and partners to engage meaningfully with local communities across Wales on the strategy and in reshaping bus services to meet the transport needs identified by those communities.

Bus Service Agreement - March 2021

Llwybr Newydd: the Wales Transport Strategy 2021



Jayne Bryant (Newport West)

Hefin David (Caerphilly)

Jane Dodds (Mid and West Wales)

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy)

Luke Fletcher (South Wales West)

Heledd Fychan (South Wales Central)

John Griffiths (Newport East)

Vikki Howells (Cynon Valley)

Altaf Hussain (South Wales West)

Jenny Rathbone (Cardiff Central)

Llyr Gruffydd (North Wales)

Natasha Asghar (South Wales East)



Establishment and remits of committees


Sixth Senedd Committees


Committee remits


Business Managers agreed to discuss further with their groups.



Senedd Commission


Senedd Commission


Business Managers agreed to discuss further with their groups.


Any Other Business



The Llywydd asked Business Managers to remind Members to leave the Chamber quickly, and those coming in not to do so until the bell has been rung. This will allow cleaners and ICT staff to work more efficiently and safely.


Written questions


Siân Gwenllian raised the issue of the quality of written answers being received from the government, and asked for it to be discussed at a future meeting. The Llywydd asked Business Managers to speak to officials individually to find out what the issues are, in order to inform a paper for a future meeting. 


Transferred Question


Darren Millar raised the issue of the transfer of Gareth Davies’ question for written answer by the government, from the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language to the Minister for Health and Social Services. The question relates to medical education in north Wales, which is currently within the Education and Welsh Language portfolio. The Trefnydd said that the government considered this a matter for the Minister for Health and Social Services given that developing medical education in north Wales requires an exploration of wider health matters.