Agenda and minutes

Venue: Tŷ Hywel

Contact: Graeme Francis 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


The Llywydd welcomed Members to the meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting


The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for publication.


Organisation of Business


This week's business


The Trefnydd informed Business Managers that she would be answering First Minister’s Questions today as the First Minister is unwell.


The Trefnydd also drew Business Managers’ attention to the following changes:




  • Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Response to the UK Government’s Financial Plan and Economic Forecasts (30 mins) Postponed until 22 November
  • Statement by the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: Avian Flu (30 mins)
  • LCM on the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill (45 mins) Postponed until 22 November


  • Voting time will take place as the last item of business.
  • Plenary is unlikely to run past 6.00pm.




  • Voting Time will take place before the Short Debate.
  • Plenary is unlikely to run past 7.40pm. 



Three week timetable of Government Business


The Trefnydd drew Business Managers’ attention to the following changes:


Tuesday 15 November -

·         Statement by the Minister for Economy: Statutory licensing scheme for all visitor accommodation in Wales (30 mins)

Tuesday 22 November -

·         The Agricultural Holdings (Fee) Regulations 2022 (5 mins)

·         LCM on the Norther Ireland Protocol Bill (45 mins) – postponed from 8 November

·         Voting Time (5 mins)

·         Statement by the Minister for Economy: Developing Technological Clusters in Wales - medical radioisotope production and nuclear medicine expertise (30 mins)postponed until13 December

·         Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Response to the UK Government Autumn Statement and Economic and Fiscal Forecasts (30 mins) – postponed from 8 November



Three week timetable of Senedd Business


Business Committee agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Wednesday 30 November 2022 -

  • Debate on the Finance Committee report: Post-EU Funding Arrangements (60 mins)
  • Debate on the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee report: Levelling the playing field: A report on participation in sport and physical activity in disadvantaged areas (60 mins)
  • Debate on petition P-06-1302 - Protect Mid-Wales’ unique Cambrian Mountains: designate them an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (30 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)





Letter from the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee regarding the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill LCM


Business Committee considered correspondence sent by the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee to the Minister for Climate Change, which proposes that the Welsh Government should lay a revised Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill as a result of what the Committee considers to be deficiencies in the current Memorandum.


The Trefnydd confirmed that the Minister for Climate Change is currently considering the correspondence and will respond to the Committee shortly. The Trefnydd will update Business Committee as soon as further information is available, including as to whether the current reporting deadline for committees can be revised.



Update on LCMs


Business Committee considered an update on current LCMs and agreed:


  • to refer the LCM on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee for scrutiny, with a reporting deadline of 9 February 2023; and
  • to further extend the reporting deadline on the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill LCM to 21 November 2022.





Letter from the Chair of the Petitions Committee - request for a debate in Plenary


Business Committee considered a request from the Petitions Committee for a debate on petition P-06-1302 - Protect Mid-Wales’ unique Cambrian Mountains: designate them an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which received 20,889 signatures, and agreed to schedule a 30 minute debate on Wednesday 30 November. 



Committee Timetable


Letter from the Chairs' Forum - request to change meeting dates


Business Committee agreed to a request from the Chairs’ Forum to revise the meeting slot allocated to it, from the last Thursday of each half-term to the last available Monday morning of each half-term (when there is no clash with either the Equality and Social Justice Committee or the Senedd Commission).



Review of Proxy Voting


Paper on review of proxy voting


Business Committee considered a paper and agreed the proposed approach and timetable for its review of proxy voting provisions, including that this exercise should consider both: the current temporary, trial arrangements for parental leave; and the possibility of extending proxy voting arrangements to long-term illness and other caring responsibilities. Business Committee agreed to consult with Members and to seek the views of current and former Members who have utilised proxy voting during the trial period.


Business Committee agreed to consider another paper covering potential definitions of long-term illness and caring responsibilities prior to the commencement of the consultation period. Darren Millar noted his opposition to the use of proxy voting.



Any other business


Guidance on Virtual and Hybrid Proceedings


Business Committee noted that, following consultation with the Chairs’ Forum, the guidance agreed by Business Committee on 27 September has now been issued in full to Members under Standing Order 6.17.


Meeting on 15 November


The Llywydd reminded Business Managers of the arrangements for next week’s Business Committee meeting, which will include a public session to consider the Committee’s current work on Senedd Reform.