Agenda and minutes

Venue: Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Aled Elwyn Jones 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes for the meeting were agreed by the Committee for publication.


Organisation of Business


This Week's Business



·         All votes in relation to the Public Health (Wales) Bill would take place during Stage 3 proceedings.


·         The Government reduced the time allocated to Stage 3 proceedings from three hours to two hours.


·         There would be a 10 minute break before Stage 3 proceedings begin.


Business Managers also noted that voting on all other items of business will take place before Stage 3 proceedings begin.


On Wednesday, Business Committee agreed that Voting Time would take place before the Short Debate.


Three Week Timetable of Government Business


Business Committee noted the 3 Week Timetable of Government Business.


Three Week Timetable of Assembly Business


Business Committee determined the organisation of Assembly business and agreed to schedule the following items of business:

Wednesday 7 June 2017 –

  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)


Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - Selection of Motion for Debate


Business Committee selected a motion for debate on 17 May.


NNDM6301 Dawn Bowden (Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney):


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Notes a proposal for an amendment to the Housing Act (Wales) 2014.


2. Notes that the purpose of the amendment would be to outlaw the practice of landlords advertising properties for free rent in return for sexual favours.


Business Managers agreed to schedule the next debate on a Member’s legislative proposal on 12 July 2017 and to review the procedure in the Autumn.




UK Legislative Programme 2016-2017 - LCM Update Table


UK Legislative Programme 2016-2017 - LCM Update Table


·         The Business Committee noted a paper by the Leader of the House providing an update on the progression of UK Bills announced in the Queen’s Speech that were likely to require LCMs. 




The Effect of a Member Leaving a Political Group


Business Managers discussed a paper on the implications of Mark Reckless leaving the UKIP group on Committees.  The Committee agreed that all decisions relating to the change should be taken at the same time, in due course.


Business Managers will inform the Llywydd when they are in a position to discuss the matter again at Committee.       

Any Other Business

Business Committee agreed a request by Jane Hutt to schedule questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure on 21 June as the last item before the Short Debate on that day as he is out of the country on Government business, returning to Cardiff early in the afternoon.