Agenda and minutes

Venue: Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Aled Elwyn Jones 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


Mark Reckless sent his apologies and David Rowlands substituted.


Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes for the meeting were agreed by the Committee for publication.


Organisation of Business


This Week’s Business


The statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children on Homelessness and Housing Solutions was withdrawn.

The motions to elect Members to committees would all be debated together but voted on in two blocks – the 7 policy and legislation committees first, and then the other committees. 

The Presiding Officer informed Business Managers that she intended to make a short statement before the debate on re-naming the National Assembly for Wales.



Plenary would begin at 1pm.

The Presiding Officer informed Business Managers that she intended to allow Party Leaders 10 minutes to speak during the debate on the Queen’s Speech.

Bethan Jenkins’ Short Debate was postponed to 13 July.



On Tuesday, Voting Time would be after the final item of business. On Wednesday, Business Committee agreed that Voting on the Queen’s Speech debate would be taken at the end of that item and voting on the UKIP Debate would be taken at the end of that debate.


Debate on the UK Government’s Legislative Programme

Business Managers noted a paper on the arrangements for the Secretary of State’s attendance at Plenary on Wednesday, as part of the debate on the UK Government’s legislative programme (Queen’s Speech).


Three Week Timetable of Government Business

Business Committee noted the 3 Week Timetable of Government Business.


Three Week Timetable of Assembly Business

Business Committee determined the organisation of Assembly business and agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Wednesday 21 September 2016 –

  • Questions to the Assembly Commission (30 mins)
  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the United Kingdom Independence Party (60 mins)
  • Short Debate (30 mins)



Budget Timetable


Letter from the Leader of the House regarding the Draft Budget timetable

Business Managers considered a letter from the Leader of the House regarding the Draft Budget timetable. The letter outlined the Government’s intention to publish the 2017-18 Draft Budget on 18 October and to table the Annual Budget motion on 13 December. However, in light of the outcome of the EU Referendum last week and the UK Government’s plans for a Budget in the autumn, the Minister believed that this would have implications for the UK public finances and the Welsh budget.

Business Managers noted the Minister’s intention to schedule the debate on the draft budget for 29 November, which would mean a deadline of 22 November for the Finance Committee to report. Business Managers agreed to consult with the Finance Committee on the proposed dates.





Committee Scrutiny of Tax Legislation

Business Committee considered a paper from the Government regarding committee scrutiny of tax legislation. The Government suggested that it would be helpful in arranging briefings for Members if Business Committee could agree at this early stage that the general principles of the Bills are referred to a responsible committee for Stage 1 consideration and the Committee or Committees that will undertake scrutiny.


Business Managers agreed in principle to refer the Bill on Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes to the Finance Committee for scrutiny and to write to the committee to notify them of that decision.


Business Managers also agreed to write to the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee to ask whether they would have capacity to scrutinise a Bill on Landfill Disposal Tax. The Minister for Government Business asked that it be noted that her preference would be for it to go to the Reserve Policy and Legislation Committee.




Committee Timetabling

Business Managers considered a paper setting out committee timetabling options for the new term and agreed on option B.

Remit of the Reserve Policy and Legislation Committee

Business Managers agreed to change the name of the Reserve Policy and Legislation Committee to the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee and agreed to consider a revised remit at the next meeting.


A motion would be tabled to change the title of the committee and would be taken on Wednesday 13 July.


Procedural Work Programme


Use of Assembly Time

The Committee considered a paper with various options for introducing more variety in the use of Assembly time in Plenary.


Business Managers agreed to discuss the options with their groups and return to the matter at the next meeting.


Petitions Procedure

The Committee considered a paper on the recommendations in the review of Public Petitions Arrangements. Business Managers requested more detailed proposals to be brought forward in September after which the Committee would consult with the Petitions Committee


Member Bills

The Committee considered a paper on the current procedure to introduce Member proposed Bills and the issues that have arisen from that process.


Business Managers agreed to review the procedure before conducting the first ballot in the autumn and requested further options to consider in September.


The Assembly Timetable


Recess Dates

Business Managers agreed the Christmas and spring half term recess dates and agreed for Christmas recess to be reduced from 4 weeks to 3 weeks. Paul Davies asked that his group’s objection to the reduction of the Christmas recess from four to three weeks be noted.