Agenda and minutes

Venue: Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Aled Elwyn Jones 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


Apologies were received from Mark Reckless and David Rowlands substituted.


Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes for 21 and 22 June were agreed by the Committee for publication.



Organisation of Business


This Week’s Business

The time allocated to the debate on the outcome of the EU Referendum was increased from 60 to 90 minutes and brought forward to immediately after FMQs.


Should the Assembly agree changes to Standing Orders under item 6, a motion to allocate committee chairs to political groups would be tabled and added to the agenda during the meeting.

The time allocated to the statement on the legislative programme would be increased from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.


The following items were withdrawn:


-     Statement by the Minister for Social Services and Public Health: Launch of the Consultation on Phase 1 Implementation of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act (30 mins)

-     Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Education: School Governing Bodies (30 mins)

-     Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs: Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (30 mins)

-     Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure: Road and Street Works Strategy (30 mins)

-     Debate: Re-naming the National Assembly a “Parliament” (60 mins) – postponed until 5 July

The election of committee chairs would take place as the last item of business. The Presiding Officer explained how the nomination process would be conducted in Plenary. Should there be more than one nomination for any committee, a secret ballot would take place on Wednesday 29 June between 12-3pm in briefing room 13. An email would be sent to Members to notify them that the secret ballot had opened. Subject to a secret ballot being held on Wednesday, the successful candidates would be announced before the Short Debate.


On Tuesday, Voting Time would take place before the election of committee chairs. On Wednesday Voting Time would take place before the Short Debate.


Business Managers discussed whether or not the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officers should be able to vote in a secret ballot to elect committee chairs and decided that as Standing Orders are silent on this issue, there would be no reason for them not to do so.


Three week timetable of Government Business

Business Committee noted the 3 Week Timetable of Government Business.


Three week timetable of Assembly Business

A motion to agree the membership of committees was added to the Three week timetable of Assembly Business. The Presiding Officer informed Business Managers that they would need to notify the Secretariat of all nominations by midday on Monday 4 July, as well as nominations for alternate members of the Standards of Conduct Committee.

Business Committee determined the organisation of Assembly business and agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Tuesday 5 July 2016 -

·         Motions to agree membership of committees

·         Motion in accordance with Standing Order 17.2T in respect of Committee for the Scrutiny of the First Minister


Wednesday 14 September 2016 –

  • Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)
  • Time allocated to the United Kingdom Independence Party (60 mins)
  • Short Debate -  (30 mins)





Business Committee considered a paper from the government regarding a Legislative Consent Memorandum (LCM) in relation to the Policing and Crime Bill.

Business Managers agreed to refer the LCM to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee for scrutiny. The Business Committee also agreed that the Committee should report on the LCM by Thursday 22 September 2016 to allow the Legislative Consent Motion to be debated in Plenary on Tuesday 27 September 2016.




Business Managers considered a paper setting out proposals for a committee timetable and agreed a temporary timetable for the remainder of this term.


Business Managers agreed to discuss timetabling options for the new term with their Party Groups and return to the matter at next week’s meeting.


The Committee agreed that the reserve committee should prioritise scrutinising the outcome of the EU Referendum. Business Managers discussed a query raised by David Rowlands whether other matters could still be referred to the reserve committee should the workload of policy and legislation committees increase. The committee agreed that this should still be the case. Simon Thomas suggested that other committees may also choose to scrutinise EU matters which fall within their remits. The Presiding Officer clarified that flexibility had been built into the Assembly Timetable to allow additional slots for the reserve committee to meet should they choose to do so.







Business Managers were content with the proposed tabling arrangements during the summer recess period.


Business Committee


Business Managers considered a procedural work programme and agreed to prioritise the use of Assembly time, procedures relating to petitions and Members’ legislation.

Any Other Business

The Registrar of Members’ Interests reminded Business Managers that the deadline for Members who took their oaths on Friday 6 May to register their interests is this Friday, 1 June.