Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Liz Jardine 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and declarations of interest


Manon welcomed the Board and thanked them for helping her settle into the new role quickly.

Apologies were received from Adrian Crompton (Director of Assembly Business), Nia Morgan (Head of Financial Services), Matthew Richards (Head of Legal Services) and Gareth Watts (Head of Governance and Audit).

There were no declarations of interest.





Communication note to staff - Sulafa Thomas


Sulafa Thomas would draft a note of the Management Board discussion for the news page.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes will be circulated separately.


The minutes of the 23 March Management Board meeting were agreed as a correct record.

The business cases identified at the meeting would be considered by the Investment and Resources Board (IRB) on 11 May, together with the costs and implications for the financial year 2017-18. Suzy Davies AM, Commissioner for budget and governance, would be provided with an update on plans thereafter and a report on staffing matters prepared for the Public Accounts and Finance Committees.



Assembly Reform - updating the Commission's report on the "Future of the Assembly: ensuring its capacity to deliver for the people of Wales"



The Board discussed the updated assessment of the implications of an increase in the capacity of the Assembly and were asked to consider the issues that would need to be taken into account. Assessments had been provided by heads of service from across the Assembly.

The Board challenged the assessments and assumptions and considered whether they were reasonable, noting the difference between directly proportionate increases and those that were more speculative. It was agreed that further consideration should be given to the consistency of assumptions made across the piece and presenting the potential variations and risks that could impact those assumptions in future.

Actions: Anna Daniel to consult colleagues to further improve the information gathered.  



Member and Support staff satisfaction survey 2017


The Board welcomed Rebecca Hardwicke and Carys Rees to discuss the results of the first satisfaction survey of the Fifth Assembly. The aim of the survey was to provide feedback to help achieve the Commission’s goal of providing Outstanding Parliamentary Support. 

The Board noted that, overall, the results showed a positive response to services provided and there was a modest increase in the scores generally. A greater degree of outreach to constituency offices had taken place over the period by ICT, Security, Professional Development, N Wales Front of House and Members’ Business Support teams, with a tailored survey produced for constituency staff.

It was agreed that:

·                queries and issues raised by individuals that had identified themselves would be followed up with them in a holistic way, involving all relevant services;

·                Heads would consider how to incorporate feedback into service delivery where feasible; and comments on engagement and their impact on their own service area;

·                consideration would be given to ways of making it easier to work in English, where Welsh text was shown first;

·                it would be worthwhile comparing feedback from the forthcoming staff survey on the Official Languages Scheme and preparing to respond;

·                improvements from each Service Area would be collated at the end of the period and reported in the Highlight Report to the Commission; and

·                a message would be provided to Members and support staff that the Board had looked at the anonymous feedback and considered improvements, reporting back on general progress and to individuals in due course.

A summary of the results would be discussed with Adam Price AM, Commissioner responsible for delivery and transformation of services to Members, and provided to Commissioners out of meeting thereafter. The Board thanked everyone involved in organising and contributing to the survey.



HR Dashboard (January - March 2017


Lowri Williams presented the quarterly HR summary report on headcount, turnover and absences to Management Board. This was also the last quarter of the financial year and a detailed report was being prepared for Heads of Service.



Any Other Business


Manon Antoniazzi updated the Board on several recent developments:

·                a change to the Commission meeting schedule for June and July;

·                the microphone problem that had occurred in plenary; and

·                plans for a series of opportunities for staff to meet with her before the end of the summer term, including an all staff meeting and informal get-together on Friday 21 July, smaller scale informal meetings, and an offer to come to team meetings. Management Board were invited to contribute any key messages.

The LLywydd had received a briefing note on the impact of the UEFA Champions League and Festival in Cardiff Bay and a business continuity meeting would be arranged with Heads of Service for w/c 15 May to discuss arrangements.