Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Liz Jardine 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and declarations of interest


Apologies were received from Elisabeth Jones (Director of Legal Services).

There were no declarations of interest.



Communication note to staff - Non Gwilym


Non Gwilym would draft a note of the Management Board discussion for the news page.


Minutes from 25 January meeting


The minutes of the 25 January meeting were agreed as a correct record, except a clarification in relation to the HR Dashboard (10.1) where, although Management Board had asked for more data, it had been agreed to keep the report simple. 



Commission strategy and corporate values


Anna Daniel presented a paper that had been prepared as a framework to assist Management Board in their consideration of what would be presented to the new Commission in relation to its strategic goals and priorities for the next five years. Additionally, the Board were asked to reflect on the organisation’s values and how they might be refreshed.

Management Board discussed the framework and recommendations and agreed to:

·                integrate the budget strategy into the Commission strategy;

·                emphasise the continuation of the goals over past Assemblies, and strengthen the evidence about the success the goals have delivered;

·                incorporate the themes from the annex into the horizon scanning section and set out the proposed priority areas under the strategic goals for consideration by the Commission;

·                give more prominence to the Equalities, Bilingual and Sustainability responsibilities;

·                revisit the corporate values once the Commission has agreed its strategic goals and priorities.

Actions: Anna Daniel to meet with Claire Clancy to discuss the next iteration of the strategy paper.



Fifth Assembly Dashboard - Feb 2016


The Board received the latest dashboard indicating work in progress, key issues and risks.

They considered whether there was a wider role for Heads to meet with new Members in the first few weeks and it was agreed that they would attend the reception after the election of the Presiding Officer, as well as meetings being arranged with Members.


·                Heads of service to make sure Members’ intranet is up to date and there is consistency of style and accuracy of content; and to identify any potential resource for volunteers to help with proofing new and updated documents and collating candidate information.



Corporate Risks


Management Board considered the current and emerging risks at corporate level and noted progress against mitigation and current status of each risk.

Following the review of the Corporate Capacity risk at Board and ACARAC, the risk description was updated to reflect the feedback.

The Board considered whether the risks around the transition to the Fifth Assembly should be managed as a corporate risk and agreed that they were being managed proactively within each strand and should continue there.

In relation to the Voluntary Exit Scheme ‘Risk on a page’ report, Non Gwilym advised that the media manager would review the lines to take.

The Bilingual capacity risk would be updated to reflect risks around potential changes in requirements in the Fifth Assembly.

The matter of sickness absence was raised and it was agreed that the Board would discuss this in more detail at a future meeting. The safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults was also raised in relation to the preparations needed to mitigate the risks around high turnover of Members during transition to the Fifth Assembly.


Winding up the meeting


Any other business


The Board received good feedback on the Senedd Family Weekend on 5-6 March, to mark its 10th anniversary, with over 3000 members of the public attending.

The next Management Board meeting would be on 14 April.