Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Liz Jardine 

No. Item


Introductions, apologies and declarations of interest


Apologies were received from Kathryn Potter (Head of Research).


There were no declarations of interest.



Communication note to staff - Mike Snook


Mike Snook would draft a note of the Management Board discussion for the news page.



Note of review and planning meetings 30 Nov and 7 Dec 2015


The note of 30 November and 7 December planning meetings were agreed as a correct record.



Commission Legacy report


Craig Stephenson introduced the report, outlining that its aim was to highlight the achievements of current Commission, whilst ensuring that they leave a legacy.

Management Board discussed the recommendations and whether there were matters, put in place by the current Commission, which the Commission of the Fifth Assembly should be asked to endorse. It was noted, however, that the new Commission would also be receiving recommendations through the Business Committee legacy report.

Action: Heads of service to review their own contributions to the report to ensure it meets its aims, is balanced in its content and level of detail, duplication is removed, and other areas of recommendation, such as sustainability targets, are considered. Include a clear definition of purpose in the introduction. Heads to advise Craig Stephenson of any changes by Friday 30 January.



Fifth Assembly Transition Dashboard - Jan 2016


The Board received the latest dashboard - indicating work in progress, key issues and risks - and was reassured by the progress being made. The need for continued effective communication between those involved in the transition preparations over the next few months was emphasised.


·                Heads of service to make sure Members’ intranet is up to date; flag any guidance/rules that need to be considered in relation to the Members’ code of conduct and included in the compendium of information being collated by the Welcome/Induction strand.

·                Lowri Williams and Dave Tosh to discuss the suggestions in relation to the May privilege day with the Trade Unions.



Recruitment of a new Chief Executive


Management Board considered a draft Commission paper containing options for the recruitment of the next Chief Executive, prepared by the current Commission to assist the new Commission of the Fifth Assembly, who would be responsible for making the appointment.

The Board made suggestions for clarifying points within the proposal, and recommended that the tender process for the recruitment agency begin, so outcomes could be ready for the new Commission to advertise the post immediately, to enable interviews to be held in the autumn.

The paper would be presented to the Commission at their meeting on 11 February.



Business Committee Legacy report


Siân Wilkins presented a draft of the Legacy report for Board to consider the implications of discussions that were taking place in Business Committee, which were likely to affect formal Assembly business in the Fifth Assembly. Any changes suggested to the business week, that the new Business Committee might adopt, were likely to take effect from September 2016 and would impact on staff, resources and the use of the estate.  Much would depend on how strong a steer the new Presiding Officer chose to give and the makeup of the new Business Committee.

The Board agreed that consideration would need to be given to staff resourcing and linked to the current capacity planning work, for example, around longer working weeks, or shorter recesses. Consistent communication was also needed in relation to the current constraints and the need for a greater number of Members.

Action: Heads of service to ensure their staff are aware of the implications of the suggestions within the Legacy report.



An evaluation of the Assembly's Apprenticeship scheme and recommendations for the future


Rebecca Hardwicke, Rhodri Wyn Jones and Carolyn Owen were welcomed to the meeting to discuss the review of effectiveness of the Apprenticeship scheme and provide recommendations for the future. The Board were asked to consider running a third scheme and whether there was support for a scheme for Assembly Members and how this might be run.

The Board agreed to launch a Commission scheme for four new apprentices to start in September, aimed at non-graduate 16-24 year olds. It was also agreed that there should be a flexible rotational approach to placements, to give apprentices a variety of experience across different areas of the Assembly. The team support pool would be used to enable apprentices to apply for substantive posts at the end of their term and to support capacity planning.

There was clear support from Members for an apprenticeship scheme and the Board discussed the employment matters and resource implications of doing so. Management Board agreed further work was needed to explore the potential for developing a scheme where apprentices would work with Members.

HR would prepare a business case for the Commission scheme for the Investment and Resources Board to consider.



Corporate Risks


Management Board considered the current and emerging risks at corporate level and noted key updates. The Board were advised that the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee would be reviewing how the risk around corporate capacity is managed at its next meeting in February.

Dave Tosh presented a risk occurrence report regarding changed arrangements to security vetting and advised that discussions were taking place with South Wales Police regarding future provision.

It was agreed that short term risks in relation to the exit scheme should be added to the register.


Dave Tosh and Sulafa Thomas to identify whether there are risks relating to the transition to the Fifth Assembly that should be added to the corporate register.

Heads of service to ensure that risk management processes in their areas are being followed appropriately.



HR Dashboard


Lowri Williams presented a proposal for an HR dashboard to be provided on a routine basis. The Board liked the format and agreed to receive it on a quarterly basis by email. More trend data over a longer period was preferable, and data on recruitment and allowances was requested, as was data by grade.



Website improvement project


Dave Tosh updated the Board on the project and that there was an outline design for a front page and landing pages. The aim was for a soft launch just before, or in time for the start of the Fifth Assembly. 



Financial Management report - Year to December 2015



Nicola Callow asked Heads of service to advise of any changes to the service area forecasts to enable weekly updates to be presented to the Investment and Resources Board in advance of and preparation for the financial year end.




Any Other Business


The next Management Board, on 22 February, would be dedicated to the consideration of directorate assurance statements in preparation for the annual Governance Statement.