Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Sulafa Thomas, x6227 

No. Item




Introduction and apologies


There were no apologies.


Eric Gregory, Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ACARAC) was welcomed to the meeting.



Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of 30 June were agreed.



Commission Strategy update


Commissioners considered an amended version of the paper they had considered at the 30 June meeting when a new strategy for the Commission was agreed. The revisions and additions that Commissioners wanted to see were most particularly in relation to the outcome of the EU Referendum and security. There was also a minor change to the wording of the statement of purpose.


Commissioners confirmed that the changes reflected what they had asked for and agreed the revised paper.


Commissioners agreed that a branded Strategy and Priorities document that reflects the Commission’s decisions should now be produced and published.



Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Annual Report


Eric Gregory was invited to present the Commission and the Accounting Officer with the ACARAC Annual Report.


Commissioners particularly discussed the recommendation from the ACARAC effectiveness review regarding developing relationships between the two bodies. Suzy Davies, the Commission member of ACARAC, will keep the Commission updated regularly about the activities of the Committee.


The Commission noted the ACARAC Annual Report.



Security of Members and staff away from the Assembly estate


The Director of Resources presented Commissioners with information about a number of actions that had been identified aimed at further enhancing security for AMs and staff away from the Assembly Estate.


Commissioners highlighted particular areas that should be included in work taken forward, and discussed the relationship with the responsibilities of the Remuneration Board.



Implications of the outcome of the EU Referendum


The Head of the EU Office introduced a paper which set out information about the arrangements and resources currently in place to support the work of the Assembly in relation to Europe.


Commissioners considered the knowledge and expertise available within the organisation and support that may need to be enhanced in order to place the Assembly in the strongest possible position for the duration of the period of change and beyond.


Appointment of a new Chief Executive: proposals from the Commission for the Fourth Assembly


Claire Clancy has indicated that she will be resigning as Chief Executive during 2016-17. Commissioners considered recommendations made by the former Commission with regard to the recruitment process and terms of appointment.


The former Commissioners had discussed and agreed the proposals they made during 2015-16. Their aim was to provide clear advice based on their 5 years’ experience, and thereby assist the recruitment process.


Commissioners agreed the recommendations and the recruitment agency that should be appointed following the tender process.


Paper to note: Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Minutes


The Minutes of the ACARAC meetings of 25 April and 13 June were noted.




Any other business


The Llywydd raised the potential draft Bill relating to re-naming the National Assembly for Wales, which had been debated in plenary on 5 July. The Commission agreed that a paper should be prepared for consideration at their meeting in September.