Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Sulafa Thomas 

No. Item




Introduction and apologies


No apologies were received.



Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the Commission meeting on 8 November were agreed.



Estate Strategy


Commissioners discussed a number of factors pertinent to the development of a Senedd Commission Estate Strategy.

These included long-term office accommodation needs for Members and staff, a more flexible and agile use of accommodation considering the need for a presence on a wider regional basis and use of the Pierhead.

Commissioners provided feedback on the strategic considerations outlined and requested additional information in some areas.


Covid update


Commissioners were informed of developments in relation to Commission services and noted that plenary business would be virtual in the week ahead and that the Senedd is closed to the public.

It was confirmed that Members and their staff remain able to access Tŷ Hywel for business purposes, or where there is a wellbeing need if they are in circumstances not conducive to working effectively at home.

Commissioners agreed that in light of the current public health position events on the estate should be postponed or cancelled for the period until  February half term.

They agreed to re-consider this position at their 31 January meeting.


Supplementary Budget 2021-22


Commissioners were updated on the 2021-22 financial position.

Taking account of the underspend in relation to the ring-fenced election cost budget, and the forecast underspend in relation to the ring-fenced budget for the Independent Remuneration Board’s Determination, Commissioners approved the Explanatory Memorandum which will decrease the 2021-22 laid Budget by £1.70 million. The Explanatory Memorandum will be laid as part of the  Supplementary Budget process.

This was to be subject to outcomes of December accounts, with Commissioners to be notified of any change.

Commissioners also noted and approved the letter to the Chair of the Finance Committee.


Security update


Commissioners were provided with an update on measures being taken with regard to recently highlighted security matters.

Commissioners were also informed of discussions ongoing at a senior level between the Commission and police forces in Wales.



Senior Recruitment updates


In line with the requirements of the Delegation for consultation, the Commission was informed about progress towards the previously agreed proposals to make changes to Director portfolios as part of adjusting the senior structure.

They were updated about evaluations that had taken place and recruitment exercises underway. These were in relation to the posts of Chief Legal Advisor, Director of Resources and Director of Senedd Business.

Members of the Commission’s Executive Board, with the exception of the Clerk, absented themselves for this item.


Papers to note:


Executive Board update (RAD decisions)


Commissioners noted the routine summary of recruitment decisions provided to each Commission meeting.


Any other business


·       Commissioners were informed of correspondence from PAPAC (i) the Committee’s report on the Commission’s Annual Report and Accounts. There were four recommendations, and a response would be provided for the next Commission meeting; and (ii) an additional letter requesting Commission consideration.

It was confirmed to Commissioners that the Consultation on proposals for changed to the Accounting Officer Rules was live.


In the period since the last meeting Commissioners had taken one decision relating to an extension to the current contracts in place for Independent Advisors to the Commission.