Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Sulafa Thomas 

No. Item




Introduction and apologies


No apologies were received


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting


Commissioners agreed the Minutes of the meeting on 11 December.


Budget Savings 2024/25


Commission considered proposals for meeting the £315K savings target for the 2024-25 budget, which was to be identified prior to the start of the 2024-25 financial year.

Commissioners discussed the relative impacts of proposals relating to elements of non-staff costs and vacancy management to achieve the savings.

Commissioners approved the proposals for meeting the target savings, subject to an adjustment to maintain the funding level provided to support Members’ International and EU engagement.


Commission staff pay deal


Commissioners received an update on the formal negotiations between Commission Management Side (CMS) and Commission Trades Union Side (TUS) on the pay framework for Commission staff as from April 2025. They noted the current position, including in relation to Industrial Relations and the budgetary impact as set out as part of the Commission Budget.

They agreed three core principles to guide the Commission’s approach to seeking final agreement on the future pay framework for staff, together with a Draft Management Offer, derived from those principles, that would form the basis of further negotiations with TUS with a view to seeking final agreement.

Commissioners requested a brief note be provided to set out the total amount of the change indicated by the proposals.

A further update would be presented to the March meeting of the Commission along with recommendations for approval.


Ways of Working: Siambr 2026 Project


The Commissioners were advised of the outcome of the tender exercise and evaluation process undertaken to appoint an architectural services supplier to work with the Senedd Commission on the Siambr 2026 project.

The Commission approved the evaluation panel’s recommendation to appoint Rogers Stirk Harbour Partnership (RSHP), formerly Richard Rogers Partnership, to develop the preferred option and design for an increased Siambr to accommodate 96 Members in response to Senedd Reform, subject to agreement of final terms and conditions with RSHP.

Commissioners also discussed the importance of information being available for them to share with their group members, and were informed of planned composition for a Member reference group which would invite participation of a member from each group alongside Commission members.

It was agreed that senior officials would attend meetings with any of the political groups if invited to do so, to update on the significant Ways of Working projects, and that Q&A style information would be prepared.


Ways of Working: Bay 2032 Project


Progress and outline procurement strategy


Commissioners were updated on the progress of the project and noted the current indicative high-level critical path to delivery of the project as well as the level of uncertainty inherent in the next steps of a project of this kind.

They agreed the outline procurement strategy for the project which would guide and shape the overall procurement of the Bay 2032 accommodation solution including the specific procurement process and route utilised.

Commissioners noted the critical need to retain competitive tension between the new development and refit opportunities to ensure best value for public money.


Procurement process


Having agreed the procurement strategy, Commissioners agreed a procurement process, under the public procurement regulations, that would meet the principles, and provide the means to achieve the objectives, of that procurement strategy. They were provided with the proposed scope of the contract, an initial risk assessment, the high-level procurement process for the project and an indicative timetable for the next steps.

Commissioners discussed the parameters of the timing necessary to deliver this project, which is driven by the ending of the current lease of Ty Hywel in 2032.

They agreed to action the first stage of the procurement process, to issue a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the project, as soon as practicable (likely to be in mid-February 2024), which would guide and shape the overall procurement of the accommodation solution for 2032.

Commissioners noted the subsequent intended stages in the overall procurement process for the project, based on initial legal advice, which comprised the following main elements:

          conducting a competitive procurement to deliver Bay 2032.

          the competitive procurement would centre on an Output Based Specification, which will set out the needs and requirements of the Commission, rather than a particular solution.

          The competitive procurement will be conducted in four stages.



Use of the Estate - follow up


At the 6 November meeting, Commissioners had agreed a number of proposals to be used to update the policy for the use of the Senedd estate, including agreeing to extend the booking window for events from six to 11 months and to curate the allocations, rather than operate a first come first served approach.

Commissioners considered and agreed criteria to be used to assess the suitability of new applications for events held on the Senedd estate. This would be to achieve a more equitable and diverse use of the estate.

The Use of the Estate Policy will be updated with the agreed criteria.


Response to PAPAC Scrutiny Report 2022-23 Recommendations


The Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee published their Report on the Scrutiny of the 2022-23 Accounts on 13 December 2023, making seven recommendations to the Commission.

Commissioners agreed a response to address the Committee’s recommendations.


Response to IRB consultation on Determination 2024-25


Commission considered and approved a response to the Independent Remuneration Board, following receipt of their letter about the consultation on the annual review of the Determination for 2024-25 on 15 December.

The letter will be provided to the IRB.


Senedd Reform


Commissioners received an update about the three stage 1 Reports on Senedd Reform published on 19 January by the Reform Bill Committee, Finance Committee and Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, and the recommendations made in them where the Commission may need to input.

Commissioners noted the update provided, and agreed to receive draft responses out of meeting where necessary.

A response to the Reform Bill Committee’s three recommendations to the Commission had been provided to Commissioners and sent to the Committee on 26 January, due to the deadline ahead of the Stage 1 Debate.


Papers to note:


Security - MS Public Engagement


Commissioners noted that practical security advice, information and guidance is being provided for Members and their staff to consider when undertaking public engagement activities.


Police Protocols


Commissioners noted two Protocols, agreed between the Senedd Commission and the four Welsh police forces, for a collaborative approach in certain circumstances. These being an Overarching Protocol on communication and liaison arrangements and on the investigation of alleged criminal acts by Members of the Senedd or their staff and a Protocol on Police Searches of Senedd Premises.


Executive Board update (RAD decisions)


Commissioners noted the routine summary of recruitment decisions provided to each Commission meeting.


Equality and Social Justice Committee Report


Commissioners noted letters to the Llywydd and Chief Executive from the Equality and Social Justice Committee regarding their Report on their Inquiry into a public health approach to preventing gender-based violence. Recommendation 12 is that all Senedd Members commit to completing training on preventing gender-based violence.  Responses will be shared with Commissioners.


LJC Committee letter to Llywydd re UK-EU governance


Commissioners noted a letter to the Llywydd dated 19 December from the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee requesting a response to two recommendations in their Report, and that a draft response would be circulated following the meeting.


Any other business


Commissioners were advised that a paper will be provided to the March meeting regarding the use of non-Commission issued apps for Parliamentary or official business.