Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Senedd. View directions

Contact: Fay Buckle 

Expected timing No. Item


View the meeting transcript.



Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1       The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.

1.2       Apologies were received from Sandy Mewies. Christine Chapman substituted. Apologies were also received from Jocelyn Davies.

(13:15 - 14:15)


Unscheduled Care: Briefing from the Wales Audit Office

Huw Vaughan Thomas – Auditor General for Wales

Dave Thomas – Director of Health and Social Care, Wales Audit Office

Stephen Lisle – Performance Specialist, Wales Audit Office



2.1 The Committee received a briefing from Huw Vaughan Thomas, Auditor General for Wales, on The Wales Audit Office Report ‘Unscheduled Care’. The Auditor General was accompanied by Dave Thomas and Stephen Lisle. The briefing was supplemented by questioning from the Committee.



Papers to note

Minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2013

Supporting documents:


3.1 The papers were noted.



Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

Items 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9


4.1 The motion was agreed.

(14:20 - 14:25)


Unscheduled Care: Members' consideration of issues raised by the Wales Audit Office Report


5.1 The Committee agreed to undertake an inquiry into Unscheduled Care. Specifically, they agreed to focus on local primary care, including:


·       the role of GP’s in unscheduled care

·       the nature of GP  contracts and their impact on unscheduled care

·       out of hours provision

·       the ‘111’ service

·       frequent user groups accessing unscheduled care

·       plans for future sustainability of unscheduled care


Action point:


The Clerks together with the WAO to prepare a scoping paper for the inquiry.

(14:25 - 14:30)


Hospital Catering and Patient Nutrition: Members' consideration of correspondence from Welsh Government

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 1)

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 2)


6.1 Members noted the correspondence from the Government and agreed to write to the Government raising the following issues:


·       IT infrastructure in regards to e-learning

·       Participation of on-line training packages

·       Food waste in hospitals

·       Display of food hygiene rating stickers in hospitals



(14:30 - 14:35)


A Picture of Public Services 2011: Members' consideration of correspondence from Welsh Government

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 3)

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 4)


7.1 Members expressed their disappointment with the Welsh Government’s response but felt there was merit in sharing the correspondence with the Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee.

(14:35 - 14:40)


Capital Investment in Schools: Members' consideration of correspondence from Welsh Government

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 5)

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 6)


8.1 Members noted the correspondence from the Government and agreed to write to the Government seeking clarification on the following points:


Rationale for determining which Category C schools are being selected for the first wave of investment under the 21st century Schools programme and a list of these schools

A definition of ‘fit for purpose’

The approach to inspecting schools for asbestos

(14:40 - 14:45)


Welsh Housing Quality Standards: Members' consideration of correspondence from Welsh Government

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 7)

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 8)


9.1 Members noted the correspondence from the Government. The Auditor General advised the Committee that his office has planned work in this area during the current financial year.

(14:45 - 16:15)


Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Internal Drainage Board: Members' consideration of the draft report

PAC(4)-25-13 (paper 9)


10.1 Members considered the draft report and agreed to agree a final version by email.