Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Contact: Tom Jackson 

Expected timing No. Item

(9:10 - 9:15)


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.


1.2 Apologies had been received from Leanne Wood.

(9:15 - 10:00)


Progress in Delivering the Welsh Housing Quality Standard - Evidence from the Welsh Government

PAC(4)-05-12 – Paper 1 - Welsh Government


Kath Palmer, Deputy Director, Housing directorate

Gareth Jones, Acting Director General, Sustainable Futures

Brian Gould, Head of Housing Quality Standards



Supporting documents:


2.1 The Chair welcomed Kath Palmer, Deputy Director, Housing Directorate; Gareth Jones, Director General, Sustainable Futures; and Paul Davies, Welsh Housing Quality Standard and Sustainability Officer.   


2.2 Members questioned the witnesses.


2.3 The Committee agreed to write to the Welsh Government with questions which were not covered during the proceedings of the meeting.

(10:00 - 10:40)


Progress in Delivering the Welsh Housing Quality Standard- Evidence from Community Housing Cymru

PAC(4) 05-12 – Paper 2 – Community Housing Cymru (CHC)


Nick Bennett, CHC Group Chief Executive

Peter Cahill, Chair of CHC and Chief Executive of Newport City Homes

Andrew Bateson, Chair of CHC’s technical services forum and Director of technical services at Cadwyn

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Chair welcomed Nick Bennett, CHC Group Chief Executive; Peter Cahill, Chair of CHC and Chief Executive of Newport City Homes; and Andrew Bateson, Chair of CHC technical services forum and director of technical services at Cadwyn 


3.2 Members questioned the witnesses. 

(10:40 - 10:45)


Consideration of options for handling the Draft Audit Bill

PAC(4) 05-12 – Paper 3 – Draft Audit (Wales) Bill

Supporting documents:


4.1 The Committee noted that the Welsh Government issued a consultation on the Draft Public Audit (Wales) Bill on Thursday 15 March.


4.2 The Committee agreed to consider the Draft Public Audit (Wales) Bill and receive a technical briefing from Government officials.


4.3 The Committee agreed to write to the Business Committee in order to ascertain the potential for additional committee meetings slots.


Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

Items 6 and 7.


Item 6 and 7.

(10:45 - 10:50)


Consideration of evidence taken on the Progress in Delivering the Welsh Housing Quality Standard


6.1The Committee discussed evidence taken on the Progress in Delivering the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.

(10:50 - 11:00)


Consideration of draft report on A Picture of Public Services


7.1 The Committee considered its draft report on a Picture of Public Services.


Papers to note

PAC(4) 04-12 – Minutes of previous meeting

Supporting documents:


8.1 The Committee ratified the minutes of the meeting on 6 March  2012.


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