Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Ty Hywel

Contact: Fay Buckle 

Expected timing No. Item


View the meeting transcript.



Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Chair welcomed the Members to Committee.



Hospital Catering and Patient Nutrition: Evidence from the Welsh Government

PAC(4)-04-14 (paper 1)


Professor Jean White – Chief Nursing Officer, Welsh Government

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Committee questioned Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer, Peter Jones, Deputy Director Digital Health and Care and Peter Wiles, Deputy Director Policy and Performance Division on hospital catering and nutrition.


2.2 Professor White agreed to send further information on how the e-learning nutrition training programme is funded and the timeline for incluing all training on all electronic staff records.


2.3 Professor White agreed to write to the Committee in April with an evaluation of the pilot project being undertaken on food waste at Llandough Hospital in March and provide an update on discussions health boards are having with local authorities on the collection of food waste. She also agreed to provide an update on how pre-registration training is captured.



Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Internal Drainage Board: Wales Audit Office response to report recommendations

PAC(4)-04-14 (paper 2)


Wales Audit Office Report: Improving Financial Management and Governance: issues from the Audit of Community Council Accounts 2011-12 (September 2013)

Supporting documents:


3.1 Committee was briefed by officials from the Wales Audit Office on their responses to the recommndations contained in the Committee’s report on the Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Internal Drainage Board which were directly relevant to the WAO.



Papers to note

Supporting documents:


4.1 The papers were noted.


Health Finances 2012-13 and Beyond: Letter from the Auditor General for Wales (27 January 2014)

Supporting documents:



Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

Items 6, 7 & 8


5.1 The motion was agreed.



Hospital Catering and Patient Nutrition: Consideration of evidence


6.1 Members discussed the evidence received earlier and agreed to consider the additional information early in the summer term with a view to holding a further evidence session with Professor White.



Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: Briefing from the Wales Audit Office


7.1 Members received a briefing from the Wales Audit Office on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.


7.2 The Committee agreed to write to the Welsh Government requesting a response to the WAO report which would be shared with the Children, Young People and Education (CYPE) Committee. Committee also agreed to follow up any issues not covered in the CYPE Committee inquiry.



Consultation on a new code of audit practice and statement of practice

PAC(4)-04-14 (paper 3)


Supporting documents:


8.1 The Wales Audit Office gave a briefing on the Consultation on a new code of audit practice and statement of practice and agreed to send a legal note on the specific obligation relating to auditing of registered social landlords and whether the recommendation in the Essex Review on changing this function as been accepted.