Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Senedd

Contact: Gareth Price 

Expected timing No. Item

(9:30 - 9:35)


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.


1.2 Apologies had been received from Ann Jones.


(9:35 - 10:30)


Effectiveness of European Structural Funding in Wales - Evidence from Value Wales

FIN(4) 12-12 – Paper 1- Value Wales


Alison Standfast, Deputy Director Value Wales (Procurement), Value Wales

Paul Williams, Strategic Procurement Executive, Value Wales

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Chair welcomed Alison Standfast, Deputy Director (Procurement) Value Wales; and Paul Griffiths, Strategic Procurement Executive, Value Wales.


2.2 Owing to technical problems, the Committee agreed to suspend the evidence session and write to Value Wales with questions which were not reached by the Committee.



Papers to note

FIN(4) 12-12 – Paper 3 – Financial implications of Public Audit (Wales) Bill

FIN(4) 11-12 - Minutes of previous meeting

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Committee noted the paper on the financial implications of the Public Audit (Wales) Bill.


3.2 The Committee ratified the minutes of the meeting on 4 July 2012.



Under Standing Order 17.47, the Chair suspended proceedings. The Committee agreed a motion to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting under Standing Order 17.42

(10:30 - 11:15)


Update on the work of the Commission on Devolution in Wales

FIN(4) 12-12 – Paper 2 – Commission on Devolution in Wales


Paul Silk, Chair, Commission on Devolution in Wales

Professor Noel Lloyd, former Vice-Chancellor, Aberystwyth University

Dyfrig John, Chairman of Principality Building Society


Supporting documents:


4.1 The Chair welcomed Paul Silk, Chair, Commission on Devolution in Wales; Professor Noel Lloyd, Former Vice-Chancellor, Aberystwyth University; Dyfrig John, Chairman of Principality Building Society; and Ed Sherriff, Economic Advisor to the private meeting.


4.2 The Committee received an update on the work of the Commission on Devolution in Wales.

(11:30 - 11:45)


Response to consultation on new Scottish borrowing powers

Supporting documents:


5.1 The Committee agreed its response to the consultation on new Scottish borrowing powers, which would be sent to HM Treasury shortly.

(11:45 - 12:00)


Handling of Welsh Government Draft Budget 2013-2014


6.1 The Committee discussed its approach to scrutinising the Welsh Government draft budget 2013-2014.


View the meeting transcript.