Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Senedd

Contact: Gareth Price 

Expected timing No. Item

(9:00 - 9:05)


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.

(9:00 - 9:45)


Invest to Save - Evidence from Minister for Finance


Jane Hutt AM, Minister for Finance and Leader of the House

Richard Clarke, Head of Invest-to-Save Unit

Jeff Andrews, Special Adviser


Supporting documents:


2.1 The Chair welcomed Jane Hutt, Minister for Finance and Leader of the House; Jeff Andrews, Special Adviser; and Richard Clarke, Head of Invest to Save.


2.2 The Committee scrutinised the Minister.


Action points:


The Welsh Government agreed to provide:


·         A note on the geographical spread of Invest to Save applications;

·         A note explaining how the Welsh Government ensures that projects are clear about the criteria that they need to follow when bidding for Invest to Save funding;

·         Further details on the membership of the stage 2 panel, including details on the levels of expertise on those panels, and of measures taken to ensure that the process is less intimidating for bidders;

·          Clarification on how perceived similarities between the assessment criteria for the Invest to Save Fund and the Regional Collaboration Fund will be managed by the Welsh Government;

·         A note on the disparity between evaluations conducted by Swansea University and CSSIW of the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Lean project.


(9:45 - 10:10)


Invest to Save - Feedback from Committee Member visits


3.1 The Committee received feedback from Committees Members who had visited projects which had received Invest to Save funding.


3.2 The Committee agreed to publish the reports of each visit.  


Papers to note


FIN(4) 01-13 – Paper 1 – Financial implications of Recovery of Medical Costs for Asbestos Diseases (Wales) Bill

FIN(4) 01-13 – Paper 2 – Financial implications of Human Transplantation (Wales) Bill

FIN(4) 01-13 – Paper 3 – Correspondence from Minister for Local Government and Communities regarding Invest to Save

FIN(4) 21-12 (Mins) – Minutes of previous meeting


Supporting documents:


4.1 The Committee noted:

·         A paper on the financial implications of the Recovery of Medical Costs for Asbestos Diseases (Wales) Bill

·         A paper on the financial implications of Human Transplantation (Wales) Bill

·         The minutes of the previous meeting on 5 December 2012.



Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

Item 6 to 7.

(10:10 - 10:40)


Consideration of Ministerial responses to Committee reports on the Welsh Government's draft budget 2013-14


4.1 The Committee considered Ministerial responses to Committee reports on the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2013-14.  

(10:40 - 11:00)


Consideration of evidence on Invest to Save


7.1 The Committee discussed the evidence received on its inquiry into Invest to Save and agreed to consider a draft report at a future meeting. 


View the meeting transcript.